Michel / VELO KIVU


by Michel Verwilghen

Ready to Run
542€ raised

Faire du vélo, c’est aider le Kivu et ses habitants

— Michel

Comequi, En Avant les Enfants, Kivu Kick Starter, Fonds Ngangi, AgriEst: behind our 5 associations, the same intention. To create the conditions for an autonomous and sustainable development of Kivu. The potential of the inhabitants of Kivu is immense. We want to help them make the most of this wealth and build the future of this region.

The funds raised thanks to Bike for Kivu will be equitably shared between our 5 associations and will be used to finance specific development projects in Kivu.

Donations (14)

14 magic donors are supporting "Michel"
100 €
Luc Christine  —  1 month ago

Malheureusement nous ne serons pas présents.bonne balade et à bientôt

25 €
Michel has given 100 € to VELO KIVU  —  2 months ago
25 €
Marie has given 100 € to VELO KIVU  —  2 months ago

Désolé de ne pas être à vos côtés physiquement mais on vous soutient de tout notre coeur !

25 €
Anonymous  —  2 months ago
25 €
Thierry has given 100 € to VELO KIVU  —  2 months ago
50 €
Béatrice  —  2 months ago


50 €
Régine  —  3 months ago
8.34 €
Anonymous has given 25 € to VELO KIVU  —  3 months ago
33.34 €
Pierre has given 100 € to VELO KIVU  —  3 months ago
50 €
Anne-Michèle  —  3 months ago
25 €
Tanguy has given 50 € to VELO KIVU  —  3 months ago

Quelle belle énergie, année après année, bravo ! Nous ne pourrons malheureusement pas participer car nous aurons la fête de l’école des enfants. Bonne route :)

25 €
LOIC has given 50 € to VELO KIVU  —  3 months ago
50 €
Anonymous has given 50 € to VELO KIVU  —  3 months ago
50 €
Michel  —  4 months ago