En avant! / Kivu Travel and Friends

En avant!

by Xavier Claeys Bouuaert

Ready to Run
En avant!
477€ raised

— Xavier

Comequi, En Avant les Enfants, Kivu Kick Starter, Fonds Ngangi, AgriEst: behind our 5 associations, the same intention. To create the conditions for an autonomous and sustainable development of Kivu. The potential of the inhabitants of Kivu is immense. We want to help them make the most of this wealth and build the future of this region.

The funds raised thanks to Bike for Kivu will be equitably shared between our 5 associations and will be used to finance specific development projects in Kivu.

Donations (11)

11 magic donors are supporting "En avant!"
16.66 €
Anonymous has given 100 € to Kivu Travel and Friends  —  3 months ago
20 €
Thierry has given 120 € to Kivu Travel and Friends  —  3 months ago
20 €
Sylvie Laini has given 100 € to Kivu Travel and Friends  —  3 months ago
30 €
Anonymous  —  3 months ago
10 €
Marc has given 50 € to Kivu Travel and Friends  —  3 months ago

Bien le bonjour à mon ami Michel

20 €
Donatienne has given 100 € to Kivu Travel and Friends  —  3 months ago
10 €
Anonymous  —  3 months ago
100 €
Anonymous  —  3 months ago
100 €
Thierry  —  3 months ago
50 €
Isabelle  —  3 months ago
100 €
Thierry  —  3 months ago