Bike for Kivu — Bike for Kivu

Bike for Kivu

Bike for Kivu

 September 11, 2022  Aywiers Abbey - Lasne


1 min. sign up


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What is Bike for Kivu ?

Ride a bike, make the Kivu move forward

Bike for Kivu is a solidarity race, organised in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) to fund sustainable development projects in the Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Discovery ride

from 10 to 40km

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Road Race


How to ?


In a minute, you set up a team on this website, or join one of you friend's team.


You collect funds to empower great impactful development projects

May 18

You are coming to pedal and party for the Kivu. The place is magical: the gardens of the Aywiers Abbey, in Lasne.

You'll treat yourself some sport and leisure while doing good for the Kivu.

🐣 Children only need to pay the registration fee. No need for them to collect donations, even if they are usually better at it than adults 😉 More info
Abbaye d'Aywiers à Lasne — Photo © Ulli Bromberg

Where ?

The gardens of Aywiers Abbey

Founded in 1215, the Aywiers Abbey has prospered thanks to donations from the lords of Brussels, growing to 2000 hectares.

Since 1992, the English-style gardens of the former Aywiers Abbey open twice a year for the Garden Festival.

Locate it on GoogleMaps →

They support us

Bike for Kivu is a joint initiative of 5 non-profit associations working for the development of the Kivu region


Is it necessary to collect donations?

Yes, that's what a cycling challenge like Bike for Kivu is all about: having a great time, in a beautiful landscape, but also raising funds to support concrete and sustainable projects in Kivu.


Do I need a special bike to participate?

No. Bike for Kivu is a family cycling event open to as many people as possible. All types of bikes are welcome. Even electric ones. Please note, however, that the Mountain Bike track is not suitable for road or city bikes, at least not the optional challenges organised along the route.

  • Our projects

    Promotion de l'éducation et de l'entrepreneuriat

    En 2024-2026, EALE ambitionne de promouvoir l’éducation et l’entrepreneuriat sous toutes leurs formes : l’éducation par la scolarité, l’apprentissage technique, le sport, la culture, l’agronomie,… et l’entrepreneuriat par l’initiation et le soutien d’activités génératrices de revenus (kit de démarrage, micro-crédit, formation à la gestion, suivi).

  • Our projects

    Financing 10 young companies in Kivu

    Kivu Kick Starter wants to finance 10 start-ups in Goma and Bukavu. This funding will create 30 quality formal jobs and contribute to the development of the region’s economic structures.

    KKS‘s mission: to contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction by promoting access to credit for very small, small and medium-sized enterprises in North and South Kivu by providing a financial guarantee to cover part of the risk of the bank’s loans to young entrepreneurs.

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    10 coffee nurseries north of Bukavu

    Once seedling production has been launched, Comequi intends to set up agronomic monitoring of the nurseries, while forging the necessary links with other players in the coffee industry. By building a robust sales network, Comequi intends to support the region's economic development while meeting the growing demand for exceptional coffee.

    Comequi seeks to empower the rural population on the shores of Lake Kivu to carry out sustainable development actions on their own, in order to increase their income and improve their living conditions.

  • Our projects

    Supporting start-ups in Goma

    The Ngangi Fund wants to finance the launch of a start-up accelerator in Goma. This centre will host the most ambitious entrepreneurs in Kivu and support them in their professionalisation and job creation.

    The Ngangi Fund works daily to support the youth of Goma to actively contribute to the development of the city by finding quality formal employment or by creating value-added businesses.

    Over the past five years, the team in Belgium and the team in Goma have continued to professionalise the work of the Fund in order to increase its impact and better respond to the needs of young people in Goma.